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Noah Manship-



Noah grew up between French Lick and Marengo, IN. This will be be my wife's and I's fourth year as staff at camp and first year being director.  Noah's favorite part of camp is seeing kids find out who Jesus is and what Jesus is about as well as getting to worship Jesus together as one.

My interest in ministry started when I was 10 after my stepdad had a horrible accident and nearly died. The church and local community came together to help support our family, and I knew then I wanted to help people when they were most in need. I accepted Jesus at a conference in Cincinnati, Ohio when I was 12. I began preaching and teaching at various churches when I was 16. The race track ministry began for me after attending a race in 2017 and seeing a need for the drivers and crews. I currently pastor full time at Faith Fellowship Church in Hidalgo, IL. My wife Shelby and I started a racing, music, and food outreach called Amazing GRace Ministries in 2022. I am the track chaplain for Charleston Speedway in Charleston, IL. 

      David Waite-

  Assistant Director


David Waite is from Clay City Indiana and attends Friendly Grove Baptist Church in Lewis IN. Dave gave his heart to Jesus July 11, 2010 at Victory Baptist Church. Dave has been married to his wife Joannie for 12 years and has raised 4 boys together. Dave has been involved with camp since 2020 and filled in for many positions including assistant director when past assistant was unable to attended due to illness. Dave's favorite part of camp is chapel and being there for the kids when they need someone to pray with them. Dave is most excited to see how BYC grows and more children come to Christ!

MaKayla Rooksberry-



MaKayla Rooksberry is from Jasonville IN. MaKayla attends Friendly Grove Baptist Church in Lewis IN. MaKayla has been involved with camp starting back when she was a pre-camper in first grade and would come with her aunt who was a cabin parent. Since graduating back in 2017 MaKayla has been involved with camp in many capacities including cabin parent, assistant registrar, game director, camp photographer and any where else help was needed. This is MaKayla first year as Registrar. MaKayla's favorite part of camp is watching the kids that come back every year and seeing how the grow and chase after Jesus. MaKayla is most excited for this year to see how much God is going to move in this camp and send those who are hungry to learn about him. 

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